Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tainted Well Water in Stamford, CT

February 18, 2010 - North Stamford Concerned Citizens for the Environment formed last fall when homeowners near Stamford's Scofieldtown Park learned their well water was tainted with banned pesticides. The same toxins had been found in the soil of the park, which was built on a former industrial landfill. Many in the area believed commercial waste from the site had leached into the ground water, and they decided to act.

Fans of Hollywood films about environmental activism, like Erin Brockovich, would have appreciated the low-key setting of their kickoff event: the florescent-lit common room in the neighborhood's Villa Maria Education Center, complete with folding chairs, sign-up sheets and grade school artwork. Rounding things out was a pair of professional environmental advocates, Diane Lauricella and Megan Jenny.


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