Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Jersey DEP caves to industry - abandons groundwater protection standards

May 7, 2008 - Drinking Water Supplies for Half the State Vulnerable to Toxic Contamination

In a stunning retreat, DEP Commissioner Lisa Jackson announced that she withdrew proposed standards to protect groundwater from chemical pollution dumped at toxic waste sites or leaking from underground tanks and pipelines. The move is a major concession to high-polluting industries which have vigorously opposed these toxic clean-up rules, according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

In May 1, 2008 testimony before the Senate Legislative Oversight Committee, state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Lisa Jackson said she would abandon proposed "impact to groundwater pathway standards" and DEP's proposed groundwater pollution impact assessment methods for all new clean-ups of toxic soil.

More . . .

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