Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Contamination case resurfaces in McAllen Texas

May 21, 2008 - Over the last two decades residents from a South McAllen neighborhood have been in and out of court seeking - and in some cases winning - punitive damages against natural gas operators, a railroad company and a convenience store chain over the contaminated ground 30 feet underneath the intersection of Business 83 and 23rd Street.

But the question of how the gas got there - whether it seeped from a natural gas pipeline or from a refined gasoline storage facility - still has no definitive answer, leaving cleanup of the contaminated area in limbo.

More . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live on a ranch north of McAllen but a big portion of it is in Hidalgo County. Exxon has had a lease here since 1935. They still operate the lease and the place is such a disaster. Tanks marked Benzene just leaking in plain view, old wellbores that are shut in are leaking gas out of the flanges. It is really shocking.
South Texas is really bad for oil and gas contamination because it was a place for early development and old leases that give the oil companies the rights to dump in open pits. The fresh ground water tends to be very shallow. Now, the big companies are moving elsewhere and dividing up their leases between lots of small (often irresponsible) companies who are judgement proof.